Two friends shield a saucy girl as she pisses in public

Two friends shield a saucy girl as she pisses in public
  • 47%
8 years ago 0:31 26527
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Protecting her with their large bodies, two guys decided to let this desperate brunette pull down her jeans and knickers and pee in a corner of a rather crowded field.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 7 years ago

You've got to have quite the imagination to get off on this!

Unknown 8 years ago

Reminds me when i was near the beer-festival at a low-noised place in the dark as a girl also squatted down backside in front of a hoarding. behind there i laid down to get a close rear-view.
i saw the slight quiet piddling as a small pee-bow to the ground. then she finished it; after about 6 seconds i heard a fine soft tone of her butt (half second short, sounded: "Feeeb"). so wow!

Unknown 8 years ago

cam too far to see properly & shaking too

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